A Brief Note Regarding the Section 301 Tariff May 14, 2019 Since the fluctuating tariffs have put quite the damper on custom overseas orders, we sat down with our management and sales teams to give you the best offers possible. Below is an outline of the plan of action we have in process to ensure your needs continue to be met in a timely and cost efficient manner.
The year has officially kicked off with some great trade shows across the country. Check out our upcoming schedule and reach out to us online to set up a meeting with the Continental Headwear team. We look forward to meeting you!
Have you ever been caught in a conversation about headwear and just couldn’t keep up with some of the industry lingo? Sometimes people in the industry are so accustomed to these words they don’t slow down to make sure you understand everything they say. Continental is different, we want you to know what we’re saying. That’s why we assembled a quick terminology guide for your reference.